Series Description
Buildings are subject to an amazing amount of forces. Gravity can easily turn the weight of the building against itself, and over time walls may lean and roofs may sag. Wind and rain can slowly work together to push moisture into places where it isn’t welcome, and floors may warp and wood may rot. Good builders, engineers, and architects work to ensure that buildings are built strongly enough to withstand these forces of nature and time. And these well-designed buildings all have equally well-built foundations. No matter how mighty and sturdy the building may be, it won’t stand for long if the foundation gives way. A beautiful building becomes a heap of expensive rubble and rot without the right foundation.
Jesus taught that our lives also have foundations. These are the fundamental principles that shape our beliefs, opinions, and choices in life. These principles become the framework for who we are, and how we choose to live our lives. And like a physical building of wood and stone, the life of a soul is subject to a lot of wear and tear. Life brings storms that test our character and try our beliefs. And like mighty buildings, sometimes our souls withstand the battering and remain strong and sure. But sometimes our souls aren’t so mighty, and they begin to crumble. We may lose hope. We may grow bitter. We may harden our hearts, and lose touch with the ability to live and love. In order for a soul to survive the wear and tear of life’s storms, it must be constructed of the best material, and be anchored on a sturdy foundation.