"Pivot" Middle School Ministries
For students in grades 5 - 7, "Pivot" is a ministry that recognizes the unique needs of students in these Middle School years. Growing up can be challenging, so we want to do our part to help students through the transitions these years bring them. Teachings and lessons are geared toward equipping them to face the demands of their lives, and special events and activities also provide plenty of opportunity for fun and friendships!

"The Hub" High School Ministries
For students in grades 8-12, "The Hub" is where students from multiple different communities and school districts can find their church home. In fact, that's one of the main reasons we call our student ministries space "The Hub:" it has become the central hub of activity for our students, regardless of where they are from. "The Hub" services feature times of worship and teaching, small group discussions, and plenty of special events and activities to give students a chance to grow together as they grow their faith.

Growing together.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
Each Wednesday night at 6:30 PM, students can find their place to grow with "Pivot" or "The Hub."
Students can also experience "Pivot" and "The Hub" on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM.
Whether you're here on Wednesday or Sunday, we've got a place for you!
Students can also experience "Pivot" and "The Hub" on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM.
Whether you're here on Wednesday or Sunday, we've got a place for you!

Sunday at 9:00 am
Our weekly Life Groups are opportunities for students to gather in adult-led, small circles of community where they can learn how to understand and apply principles of the Bible as well as develop faith-centered relationships. Weekly Life Groups for Junior High and High School students take place each Sunday at 9:00 AM.
Wednesday at 6:30 pm
Our Junior High and High School students gather each Wednesday evening for a united time of group worship, celebration, and fun. Our students then break off into age-appropriate, adult-led small groups for deeper discussions of the night's lesson and topic. This is a wonderful time for students to find answers to their questions as well as support and encouragement.